Hi I’m Debbie
A life mentor, energy healer and metaphysical teacher.
I would love to reconnect you to your authentic self, expand your consciousness and realign you to your life’s purpose so you can create a life that you LOVE.
Let’s Get Started…

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How I Can Help You

Private Sessions
Had enough of feeling like you do?
Then join me online or face 2 face for 1 ½ hr focused sessions to get you reconnected, clear, calm & living a Life that you LOVE.

Group Sessions
Are you committed to your life’s journey and living a Life that you LOVE?
Then join me online once a month for 2 hrs of group work & healing. By invitation only.

Is your busy mind running your life?
Then join me on a course and get some effective tools to quieten your mind so you can take back your headspace & start living a stress free life.
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Albert Einstein
My Thoughts

Live a life that you Love! 4 Steps to Guide You to the Right Direction
Have you had that moment in life when, trying to juggle the kid’s supper and household chores with your last breath of energy after a long, draining day at the office, you think to yourself that something just isn’t right… you feel hopeless, listless and lost. This wasn’t what you planned for or dreamed of. This life doesn’t connect with the heartfelt picture you had of yourself and for your future. Click to read more…

13 Feelings to Give You Direction in Life
Did you know that by listening to your feelings you can find your direction in life?
“I just knew it”, “I believed in to my heart”, “I could feel it in my bones”, “I trusted my to my gut”,
These are sentiments often heard expressed when referring to one’s intuitive response to an event in life. Intuition, when listened to has steered many people toward finding their purpose in life. Click to read more…

Life as a mirror
Imagine that life is a mirror, reflecting all your beliefs, values, perceptions, thoughts and actions. When we want to see something change in our physical reality we need to start by making the changes on the inside. What we put out into the world is what is going to be reciprocated to us.
If we want our circumstances and experiences in the outside world to be more to our liking, then we need to make the changes within ourselves first and focus on what we are putting out there. Click to read more…
“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”
Dalai Lama
What My Clients Say
Words cannot and will not ever be able to convey the coping skills and advice you have imparted on me in only 3 sessions of working with me. The skills and coping mechanisms you have given me in just 3 sessions is more than what I have ever gotten out of my psychiatrists sessions in 3 1/2 years (and I see her religiously every 2 – 3 weeks).
Debbie you have the most amazing gift and I thank you and thank the higher powers for me somehow finding you. I still have a long way to walk, but I know that with you guiding me in this journey – I will do amazing and inspiring things :-).
Debbie has a unique ability to get to the heart of any issue. She is truly connected and brings a wealth of knowledge to her sessions. I went to Debbie at an all-time low.
I was unhappy at work and felt stuck. Three months later, after six sessions with Debbie, I find myself in a completely different space.
I left my previous employment and I’m now employed at a wonderful company that has great core values. I am excited to get up and start my day.
My location:
The Healing Room
12 De Rust Avenue
Cape Town, 7945
Call Me:
+27 (0) 84 603 4673